The Struggle of Women's Gender Equality in Ratu Kalinyamat Folktale and Putri Tawangalun Folktale, Indonesia.


  • Nugraheni Eko Wardani ,Christiana Evy T.W Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India


Kalinyamat, folktales, Data validity, triangulation, patriarchy, courageous, gender-biased.


This study aims to (1) describe the image of women in Ratu Kalinyamat folktale and the Putri Tawangalun folktale; (2) describe the treatment of male characters to female characters in both folktales; (3) the gender roles of female characters in both folktales; (4) the struggle for female gender equality in both folktales. This research was qualitative descriptive research with a content analysis strategy. The sources of the data were folktales. Next, data collection techniques were in the form of document analysis. Data validity techniques were in the form of triangulation theory. Data analysis techniques were in the form of Miles and Hubermann interactive model analysis. The study results (1) the image of women Queen Kalinyamat and Princess Tawangalun according to the demands in patriarchy culture as soft, patient, obedient, loyal, devoted, and obedient women. However, when faced with gender injustice, the two female characters presented themselves as women who broke down the establishment of women in the world of patriarchy. Both came across as tough, courageous women and could make important decisions in her life. (2) The treatment of male characters to female figures is gender-biased. (3) The gender role of the figure is initially in the domestic sector but subsequently in the public sector due to gender injustice. (4) Both female figures demonstrated the struggle for gender equality to rise to fight for self-autonomy in their own way.

