The Effect of Teaching Two Science Units Using Probing Thinking Strategies on The Academic Achievement of Primary School Students


  • Zainab Faleh Salem Al-Shawi Basrah University/College of Education for Human Sciences/Iraq


Teaching Strategies, Probing Thinking, Academic Achievement.


The current research was based on the assumption that ((Since thinking is a mental skill that can be taught and trained, we can develop the thinking skills of our students and teach them the foundations of scientific thinking through specific strategies that take responsibility for presenting the Study materials and present them to students no matter how difficult it is. probing thinking in teaching science on the academic achievement of the research sample. And for the purpose of verification, the researcher prepared and built a summative test for selected units of science for the sixth grade of primary school, and in preparing it, the researcher took into account the usual scientific steps to obtain tools that have sufficient validity and reliability. Al- Ezza Elementary School for Girls) numbered (29) female students, divided into (14) female students for the experimental group and (15) female students for the control group. Ed design ((control group with post-test only)). After the trial period, which amounted to (12) weeks, the two groups were subjected to the post-test. Then the study data was analyzed by adopting a number of statistical treatments, the results indicated the efficiency of (probe thinking strategies) in training the experimental group members to use more complex thinking skills such as inference, generalization, imposing hypotheses, explaining, examining and testing them, as the results of this group indicate their superiority over the control group.

