Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Organizational Performance.


  • dwin Ramirez-Asis ,Noppadol Chanrawang ,Rosario YsladoMendez ,Eva Zarzosa-Marquez ,Jorge Castillo-Picon ,Ricardo Toledo-Quiñones Appalachian State University, USA


COVID-19, devastating, psychologically, psyche, Ethnicities, implications, foreshadowing,


The impact of the pandemic COVID-19 has led to a devastating implication on the workplaces and their workplaces. It has affected the whole world not only in terms of employment it has also brought changes psychologically for all the employees working in teams or and work-related organizations. While putting our focus on the changes emerging from the practices related to work, it also sheds a light on the changes in the economic and changes related to the psyche of the individual. Lot of people have lost their jobs due to decrease in the number of available jobs. Things and ways of working have changed as people are getting used to working from home. Virtual team management is taking over normal jobs. The article also looks after the wellbeing of the employees and how they are coping with the changes. Also, an insight is given on the people based on their race, family, status, or gender. Also, the different impacts based on ethnicities are explored too. The benefits are also illustrated in terms of a broadened overview of team science. A very invasive approach is considered for giving implications of the pandemic for the work environment and helps in identifying the various issues which gives insights and paves a way for future research and find solutions for the problems foreshadowing the world globally.

