The Effect of Employees’ Voice Behavior on Innovative Behavior: The Moderating Effect of Affect-Based Trust and Cognition-Based Trust


  • Jiaxing Du ,Chunhua Jin


Cognition-based trust, Affect-based trust, Voice behavior, Innovative behavior


Organizational members’ innovative behavior is emphasized in most enterprises, as it can lead to individual and organizational performance. In this regard, this study focused on how to improve the organizational members’ innovative behavior. According to various previous studies, the employees’ voice can be seen as a variable that leads to innovative behavior. In other words, it can play a positive role in that organizational members are providing innovative ideas. Therefore, leaders should allow their subordinates to freely provide their ideas, as it would improve their innovative behavior. The main purposes of this paper are summarized as follows. First, we explain the roles of voice behavior and clearly identify the concept. Second, we explain the moderating roles of trust by the supervisor. This kind of trust is divided into two aspects, which are cognitive-based trust and affect-based trust. Third, we also verify the moderating effect of trust in supervisors. Finally, this research focused on employees in Chinese SMEs and determined ways to improve their innovative behavior. The study also emphasizes the importance of trust from the supervisor, including affect-based trust and cognition-based trust.

