Answering The Challenge of Dki Jakarta's Eviction Through Urban Governance Policy and Human Rights Standards


  • Jumroh ,Hermansyah ,Yusa Djuyandi


Eviction, government policy, human rights, urban planning


Eviction is legal under the Spatial Planning Act in the name of development. On the other hand, affected residents have limited access to their movement towards the use of land and natural resources along with the absence of minimum human rights standards in the policies that govern them. By highlighting the eviction cases in the DKI Jakarta area, the purpose of this article is to analyze the politics of urban governance management and reveal alternative government public policies in addressing the challenges of dilemma eviction between infrastructure development and the problem of scarce urban land. From the results of the literature study, it can be said that the government needs to establish regulations at the national level, in line with the fact that Indonesia does not yet have special legislation that protects its citizens in cases of forced evictions including the principles of urban governance in accordance with existing rules.

