Dynamics of Interdependency between Organizations


  • Yogi Yunanto ,Fendy Suhariadi ,Praptini Yulianti ,Endang Triwidyati ,Marwita Andarini ,Maya Novitasari ,Lolyka Dewi Indrasari ,Agung Mafazi ,Ahmad Dony Mutiara Bahtiar


Interdependence, Case Study, Non-Profit


This study aims to explain how interdependence between owners occurs in Kampung Inggris Pare. When owners are in a partnership, a "share together" is manifested when each does not distinguish between "what's mine" and "what's yours". Despite the fact that each owner has their own resources, they may be merged together with their consent. This study is based on a qualitative inductive approach to theory building. To increase the quality and objectivity of qualitative research, it is necessary to maintain the trustworthiness of qualitative research to ensure it is not biased or subjective. To maintain the trustworthiness of qualitative research, four criteria need to be satisfied: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. The aim of this study is to discuss the interdependence between owners by discussing the behavior of owners to achieve profit sharing in Kampung Inggris Pare. This model combines the role of interpersonal interaction with the dynamics of collaboration. Throughout this study, the organizational structure of interdependence is used to demonstrate how interactions and collaboration within a more dynamic organization are linked.

