The Influence Study of Knowledge, Morality, and Attitude on Personnel Performance Achievement


  • Heri Sudarmaji


Personnel performance, Government Organization, Knowledge Aspects, Professional Attitude


Personnel performance is needed to drive the performance of a Government Organization, as well as to increase productivity and work ethic in the organization. At this time, it is indicated that there is a decrease in performance that occurs in Government Organization personnel. Several aspects can affect the performance of Government Organization personnel, including Knowledge, Morality, and Professional Attitude of personnel. This study aims to analyze significantly and deeply how the interaction and influence values between the four variables consisting of: the direct influence of the Knowledge Aspect (X1) on the performance of Government Organization personnel (Y), the direct influence of the Morality Aspects (X2) on the performance of Government Organization personnel (Y), the direct influence of the Aspects of Professional Attitude (X3) on the Performance of Government Organization personnel (Y), the direct influence of the Knowledge Aspects (X1) on the Aspects of Professional Attitude (X3), and the direct influence of the Aspects of Morality (X2) on the Aspects of Professional Attitude (X3) and includes analyzing how the relationship of indirect influence on these aspects. This study uses survey methods and hypothesis testing utilizing the Correlation and Path Analysis technique in the Constellation model between variables to obtain a direct relationship between variables, and by using the Sobel technique to determine the indirect relationship between variables. Furthermore, validation and reliability tests are also carried out to strengthen the research results. In the end, the results showed that there was a strong direct relationship between the four aspects of these variables, with the correlation coefficient and the path: (ρy1 = 0.418; ry1 = 0.740), (ρy2 = 0.242; ry2 = 0.591), (ρy3 = 0.297; ry3 = 0.604), (ρ31 = 0.619; r31 = 0.713), (ρ 32 = 0.212; r32 = 0.521).


