Cadreization of Religious Social Workers Through Internships (Study of Phenoomology Modin of Corpse Nurses in Malang City)


  • Atiyatul Husna ,Nur Hidayah ,Rosyid Al Atok ,Umi Dayati


modin motives, cadreization, Sociogenetive Motives


This research aims to find out modin motives in maintaining the existence of caring for bodies in Malang City and descriptions of internship activities in the process of cadreization of corpse nurses in Malang City. This research uses a qualitative approach with this type of phenomenological research. This research was conducted in Malang City by focusing on three main areas, namely, the center of Malang City, the border area of Malang City with Batu City and the border area of Malang City with Malang Regency. The results of the study showed that the motives of the corpse nurse modin in maintaining its existence in the city of Malang can be classified into three parts, namely Biogenetive Motives, Sociogenetive Motives, and Theogenetive Motives. Internship activities in the process of cadreization of corpse nurses in malang city have fulfilled the basic elements in learning. The learning process to produce a good cadre starts from the process of finding or choosing cadres, the learning process and the experience of irregularities in the modin of corpse nurses.

