The Presumption in The Administrative Decision


  • Dr. Mohammed salman Mahmood ,Mohammed kadhim hamzah asakra ,Salwan Mudhafar Abdul ameer


Administration, decision, presumption


Administration has very important authorities and privileges which pave the way for to execute its duties and activities. The main pillar of these privileges is issuance of a solo administration decision to create certain lawful impact. In fact, this presumption is not baseless assumption, but it is based on the main aspects of administration and the general features of management. This Study has focused on the Impact of Presumption and the Legality in the administration decision and the support of this presumption with its impact on the individual. It shows the individual who disputes the impugnation of the administration decision will bear complete responsibility of the appeal from the beginning to time when he proves his claims. However, the Administration is in excellent position in such appeals unless the Judge requests more information on the case.


