Collaborative Governance in Controlling the Utilization of Space in North Bandung Area as A Strategic Area of West Java Province


  • Rhesa Anggara Utama ,Dede Sri Kartini ,Budhi Gunawan ,Obsatar Sinaga


Stakeholders, West Java Province, interview techniques, observations, and documentation, public, private actors


This research aims for analyze the role of the government in developing collaboration with other government actors in controlling the utilization of space in North Bandung Area and Analyze the ongoing collaborative governance process involving various stakeholders in controlling the utilization of space in North Bandung area as a Strategic Area of West Java Province. This research scope is the control of the utilization of space in North Bandung area as a strategic area of West Java Province, so that the actors involved can collaborate effectively as the highest achievement in the stage of collaborative governance. Two important reasons in the study of collaborative governance. First, in the practice of controlling the utilization of a strategic area space is a contribution of collaborative governance. Second, whether the context of government issues in the regions has been done collaboratively so that it can find lessons that can be learned to be applied to aspects of government. Two questions focused on this research are how collaboration with various cross-government with other employees, and how government governance processes so as to form collaboration to achieve a goal on controlling the utilization of space in the North Bandung Area (KBU) as a Provincial Strategic Area (KSP) of West Java that achieves the good and bad of a government? Qualitative methods used in this study there are six reasons, namely to (1) determine and find certain meanings, (2) understand various contexts, (3) identify various phenomena that have not been revealed, (4) understand the process, (5) describes constructed causality, and (6) describes patterns. The analysis unit used is all stakeholder actors who have an interest and are involved in controlling the utilization of KBU space as a West Java KSP in collaboration. in-depth interview techniques, observations, and documentation used in data collection by providing informant criteria involved in the collaboration process. The results of the study show that the formation of collaboration is a facilitative leadership role initiated. Positive contribution to increasing public engagement, making the community more supportive towards the government, increasing information related to various violations of space utilization, more open communication between the government and the community to act together in response to all violations of KBU space utilization is the result of collaborative governance in controlling the utilization of KBU space. The limited intensity of interaction across actors, the imbalance of resources into collaboration factors has not been done optimally. Policy networks that contribute to the formation of collaboration on the KBU space utilization control agenda are the expectations generated in this study. The conclusion of this study is the agenda of controlling the utilization of KBU space is carried out collaboratively, characterized by the involvement of various stakeholder actors including government, public, private actors as well as support from academia and media. The West Java Provincial Government through the office of structuring the room as a driver initiated in developing and encouraging the formation of collaboration through a facilitative leadership role by raising support and involvement of various other government actors, facilitating various meeting agendas to open dialogue and discussion spaces to generate various collaboration consensuses, as well as providing consultation to various interested parties in the utilization of space in KBU as part of the service function to the public. The process of collaborative governance in controlling the utilization of KBU space boils down to the implementation of the dimension of collaboration action and the temporary impact dimension through a series of collaboration dynamics processes, namely the driving of shared principles, shared motivation, and the capacity to take joint actions as the energy needed in collaboration in controlling the utilization of KBU space. The existence of a correlation between the act of government collaboration with the movement of common principles, shared motivation, and the capacity to take joint action on the temporary impact between before and after collaboration on the agenda of controlling the utilization of KBU space is a positive impact, including public engagement, greater support from the public to the government, increasing information related to various violations of KBU space utilization, More open communication between the West Java Provincial Government, KBU regencies / cities with various non-governmental stakeholder actors to respond together to various violations of KBU space utilization, so that there are positive solutions of various interactions that occur through collaboration.


