Utilization of Assessment to Improve the Quality of Learning.


  • Beatrix J. Podung


Operational regulations, National Examination (UN), Education Assessment Centers


This study is examining the utilization of the results of the National Examination (UN) assessment to improve the quality of learning. The study focused on the good practice of utilizing the results of the assessment, the determinant factors that influence the utilization of the results of the valuation, and the strategy of utilizing the results of the valuation. The study was an evaluative study using an objective oriented evaluation approach. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires, interviews, and focus group discussions, with data sources consisting of national exam subjects, school principals, school supervisors, and the Regional Education and Culture Office. Data were analyzed descriptively analytically. Research findings were identified that showed good practices in utilizing assessment results, namely: remedial learning, enrichment of learning, mentoring student learning, mapping of achievement of basic competencies, collaboration of teachers through the Subject Teachers' Consultation (MGMP), strengthening of mentoring and coaching by school supervisors, and in house training on the use of assessment results for teachers. The influential determinants include: the problem of the availability of systems and information technology networks and the internet in schools is inadequate, most schools do not have policies and plans for the use of assessment results, the ability and professionalism of teachers both data literacy and technology literacy, which are inadequate. The strategy to strengthen the utilization of the assessment results identified is to increase the accessibility of teachers to obtain assessment data, to strengthen information technology systems and networks, to increase cooperation in the accessibility of data between schools, regional education offices, Education Assessment Centers, teacher collaboration through MGMP, Principal collaboration, and strengthen school policies and planning in the use of assessment results.It is recommended that the optimization of information technology systems and networks, operational regulations for the use of assessment results, and improvement of the supervisory function of Principals and School supervisors.


