Internal Quality Audit Accountability (AMI) To the Quality of Study Programs in Islamic Higher Education.


  • M Mukhibat ,M Sutoyo.


PDCA, Quality Assurance Institute, Internal Quality Audit, State Islamic Institute


The research reveals in-depth how the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) is accountable to the quality of the study program at the State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Ponorogo. This research focuses on how the Internal Quality Audit (AMI) is carried out by the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) IAIN Ponorogo as part of the plan, do, check, act (PDCA) cycle. This qualitative study aims to explain AMI's accountability to the quality of the study program. The approach used is program evaluation, namely by measuring the results/impact of an activity, comparing the program with the goals that have been set, and how to achieve them. The results showed that AMI is an integral part of PDCA, which has five steps: setting, implementing, evaluating, controlling, and improving standards. Observing the results of the Internal Quality Audit and External Quality Audit of the three study programs at IAIN Ponorogo, it can be said that the accountability of quality assurance through AMI to study program accreditation has a robust correlation with the quality of study programs. This accountability can be seen in several ways: 1) the independence that exists because of the auditor, 2) the auditor has an adequate education and training background, 3) internal audit has carried out its responsibilities well, with the existence of audit programs, audit guidelines, audit results report that are explain the problems or audit findings as well as suggestions and recommendations.

