The Concept of Pragmatism and Its Impact on Education in The Vietnamese Context.
Philosophy of Pragmatism, American philosophyAbstract
- Pragmatism is known as American philosophy with a modern and advanced education in the world. Pragmatism appeared at the end of the nineteenth century with the desire to rebuild the world's philosophical system. Pragmatism emphasizes the development of experience and democracy in education through personal experience. Therefore, education must be a social activity associated with the benefits of life. Learners need to go through the learning process as learning to adapt to the everchanging living environment. The philosophy of Pragmatism has influenced the development of modern education today. In countries with modern education, there has been a positive influence from the philosophy of Pragmatism. Therefore, it is necessary to study and clarify the contents of the educational philosophy of Pragmatism. The article uses comprehensive methodologies, specific history when conducting research. Besides, the report uses synthesis, analysis, comparison, and historical logic to clarify the educational ideology of Pragmatism. From that, the article draws out an understanding of what Pragmatism means for Vietnam's educational reform today. Research results show that Pragmatism has systematically presented the contents, methods, goals, and role of the educational function. That is the basis to positively influence the formation of learners, families, and society's quality and capacity. The article compares to clarify how the educational ideas of Pragmatism are compatible with and different from the current educational situation in Vietnam, from which to draw some recommendations to change education in Vietnam today.