The Effectiveness of Civic Education Textbook Based On Local Wisdom with Global Insights


  • Deny Setiawan ,Halking ,Jamaluddin ,Hidayat ,Mardhatillah ,Yusrizal


Civic education, local wisdom, Citizenship Education courses


This study aims to describe the effectiveness of civic education textbooks based on local wisdom with a global perspective which will be used as a common reference in developing character education based on local wisdom in the PPKn Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Negeri Medan. The research subjects include: (1) a lecturer in Citizenship Education courses; (2) students as a limited trial group; (3) Validators consisting of experts in the content of civic education material. The instruments used in this research are: expert validation questionnaire. This study applies the research development model from Borg & Gall. The results showed that the product produced in this study was declared valid by the validators and was worthy of being used as a textbook in Citizenship Education courses. The results of this study also show that the application of textbooks can increase 18 national characters and strengthen 4 strong foundations of character, namely; if the heart, if thought, if the taste/intention and exercise. The most significant improvement is contributing to the heart and thought process with the concept of understanding knowledge and changing attitudes on the value of national character. Meanwhile, the level of understanding and contribution of attitudes that tend to be less than optimal is the aspect of strengthening the sense/intention and exercise.


