Clustering of Latin-American Universities in Top10 of Ranking Web of Universities July 2020


  • Lino Rolando Rodríguez Alegre ,Guido Trujillo Valdiviezo ,Jaime Eduardo Gutiérrez Ascón ,Rosario del Pilar López Padilla ,Ronald Luis Ramos Pacheco ,Cesar Alexander López Ramos ,Lessner Augusto León Espinoza


Ranking Web, World Rank, Presence, Impact, Openness and Excellence


Ranking Web of Universities allows to compare the university performance, which ranks University Education Institutions according to their web visibility, also, the web presence and the access to the website, through a World Rank, product of the relationship with four indicators: Presence, Impact, Openness and Excellence. In this paper, Latin-American universities in Top10 of Ranking Web of Universities July 2020 had been characterized by clusters to relate and compare their position on indicators through a descriptive analysis. The report first presents information about the ranking and, then, shows the clusters formed between World Rank and individual performances of universities in respect to indicator classification. USP (Brazil) highlights as the university best positioned in the four Ranks: Presence, Impact, Openness and Excellence, however, it shares this place with UNAM (Mexico) in first three relating World Rank with every indicator rankings.


