The Digitalization Acceleration Strategy of Semarang Batik Motif based on the Record of Coastal History Batik


  • Endang Tjahjaningsih ,Dewi Handayani Untari Ningsih ,Dwi Budi Santoso


fractal designing team, manufactured products, computer assisted


The coastal batik historic record is more dynamic in creating patterns and taking most foreign developed influences, such as India, China, and Europe by combining the influences with the classic batik motif. Fractal, as the software of batik, becomes the technological enabler to accelerate and update the business of designing batik motif. It is based on the historic record or coastal batik philosophy that uses computer assisted mathematic formula to design the motif and variety. The digital documentation by modeling the batik motif data in the form of digital makes it readable and accessible. The process of creating fractal batik is a batik production by dividing it into two stage. The first stage is creating the design with a fractal designing team. Then, the second one is creating the batik by the batik craftsmen. The data collection and validation on Semarang batik ecosystem has been in line with the planned activity. It has gone some consideration and production of Batik Wali motif as the developed batik philosophy motif with fractal batik tools. The attributes and the data analysis were useful to check whether the market and the users could accept the manufactured products. Then, it provides positive impacts from the contemporary batik development.


