Who is Listening to us from Geography Education? Is Anyone Out There?


  • Donald Patrick ALBERT, Erin OWENS Sam Houston State University, Huntsville, USA


Citations, Geography Education, Journal of Geography In Higher Education


This is the last of three studies designed to assess the interchange between the geography education community, the larger geography field, and other disciplines. Our previous studies have examined citation patterns between geography education journals and quantified whether a paradigm shift was occurring from a focus on strategies and methods towards understanding the learning and teaching process. Further, we wanted to know “who are we listening to?” The answer is that while we were listening to ourselves (geography education), our scholars were incorporating knowledge, ideas, and perspectives from the larger geography community and importantly from academicians and professionals trained in pedagogy and education theories. This study asks the question, “who is listening to us?” Our results indicate that education scholars are actually reading our publications. There were distinct lines of communication between those from geography education and the disciplines of education that permeate journals, books, conference proceedings, theses and dissertations, and other outlets (i.e. reports, blogs, wikis).


