Teacher’s Knowledge About Implementation of Sexual Education in Early Childhood


  • Ellya Rakhmawati ,Noor Rochman Hadjam ,Akif Khilmiyah


sexual development, teachers, interpretational phenomenology analysis


Early childhood is a critical period in development. Therefore, schools and teachers as significant others should guide children regarding development stages, in particular, sexual development. Unfortunately, the implementation of sex education in Indonesia is limited due to cultural stereotypes. However, Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten in Semarang City has developed a sexual education program for early childhood. This program aims to educate children on the basics of sexual development. The implementation of this program encourages teachers to understand crucial concepts and practices of sexual education. This study uses qualitative methods and interpretational phenomenology analysis (IPA). The researchers used in-depth interviews and observations to collect data from four teachers in Taman Belia Candi Kindergarten. The study explored several themes. First, the study examined materials and media used by teachers in providing sexual education. Second, teachers’ roles were observed as facilitators and caretakers for students, with the perspective that teachers must prepare themselves before teaching sexual education in early childhood. Third, teachers use various methods to provide sexual education to students. Fourth, the study describes strategies the school employs to provide sexual education. For instance, teachers mainly convey the basics of sexual education by making it a part of everyday activities and conversation at school.

