International Efforts in the Fight against Terrorism (Jordanian Terrorism Prevention Law: A Case Study)


  • Alhareth Mohammad Alhalalmeh ,Ismael Mohammad Alhalalmeh ,M. Balsam Mohammad Alhalalmeh


International Efforts, Fight Against Terrorism, Jordanian legislations


This study proceeds from an important title which is “The International Efforts in the Fight Against Terrorism” a study in the Jordanian Prevention of Terrorism Act for 2014, as the study showed the legislative and legal aspects of fighting against terrorism, first at the international and regional level as a whole, then at the local level particularly, the study indicates the forms of the international efforts to combat this phenomenon and its manifestations, in addition to the Jordanian legislations in combating it, starting from the Jordanian Penal Code, the Jordanian Terrorism Prevention Act for 2016, and the Jordanian Prevention of Terrorism Act for 2014 which is in place so far. The content analysis approach, the descriptive analytical approach, and the comparative approach were used in the study to illustrate these objective aspects of combating this phenomenon, the study also came out with some recommendations that elucidated the need to increase the international cooperation in this field, and belligerent the reasons not only the results, adding recommendations gives the researchers and the decision makers the ability of curing this phenomenon, most important of which is the recommendation of creating an international act legislation, and apply it in all countries, this act should impose all to cooperate in the fighting against terrorism.


