EFL Teachers' Beliefs and Practices About Pronunciation Teaching


  • Nora Fayez Saleh Alshomrani ,Ghazi Algethami


EFL teachers' beliefs, Pronunciation teaching, correct mispronounced


The existing literature concerning EFL teachers' beliefs and practices regarding pronunciation teaching in the Saudi context is limited in scope. The aim of this study was to examine the EFL teachers' beliefs and practices about pronunciation teaching at Saudi Schools to contribute to this area of study. The study employed a quantitative research design where data was collected using an adopted survey. A total of 144 EFL teachers in Saudi schools participated in the study. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS Software, where descriptive analysis was performed. With regards to the teaching practices, the research findings revealed that most EFL teachers always teach pronunciation activities available in textbooks and always correct mispronounced words or sounds in class. Besides, EFL teachers focus on teaching specific pronunciation features and sounds that are difficult to their students and mostly use pronunciation drills such as rhyming, repetition, chanting, and role-play to teach pronunciation. Other pronunciation practices that EFL teachers practiced include teaching individual sounds and articulatory gestures to demonstrate to students how sounds are produced. Concerning the EFL teachers' beliefs on pronunciation teaching, the findings revealed that most EFL students suffer many pronunciation problems. The best way to teach pronunciation is identified as communicative practice. Other beliefs were that pronunciation teaching enhances students' academic performance and that pronunciation facilitates effective communication. Pronunciation teaching was deemed a significant practice, and it was concluded that English pronunciation teaching should be encouraged in Saudi.

