Significant Isomorphism in the story of "The pains of Mr. Maarouf", by the Novelist, Ghaib Tuma Farman: A Semiotic Study


  • Ahmed Abdul Razzaq Nasser, Shaima Jabbar Ali Imam Al-Kadhim For Islamic Sciences/ Department of Arabic Language/Iraq


Isomorphism, Semes, Classemes, and lexemes


This research analyzes the story of "The pains of Mr. Maarouf" by the Iraqi novelist, Ghaib Tuma Farman, according to the semiotic method, and specifically on what was developed by Paris School of Semiotics. We have employed the word isomorphism to analyze the text. The text belongs to the long story, so it is considered a medium length between the short story and the novel, and this mediation gives us - as we believe - more than one interpretation of a single reading that carries a number of is omorphisms. Thus, we have moved away from multiple readings of the text in question, and the reason behind this lies in our attempt to analyze the text from a neutral point of view, taking a step far from the readings that cause a kind of bias and lack of objectivity. This does not negate the existence of multiple readings of the text, but our adherence to a single reading is for the purpose of highlighting the isomorphism that the text carries.

