Legal Nature of a Timeshare Contract.


  • Ahmed Hashim Abed ,Mothana Abdulkadem Mashaf Eskişehir Osmangazi University, TURKEY


Time-reduction, Legal, Tourism, Picnics and Residence, Beneficiaries, Mechanism, Contracting parties,


In this paper, it was discussed that the time-reduction contract is one of the important legal methods that are used in order to attract tourists and activate the tourism movement in order to create a place for picnics and residence for the tourist and for entertainment at low prices by engaging a larger number of beneficiaries in order to rotate and benefit from these residential areas for an indefinite period each year, it may be a week or more, Hence, this mechanism provides the best alternative to buying entire housing units at an exorbitant amount, and people only benefit from them for a month each year. Also, this mechanism is better than relying on leasing and the ensuing difficulties that may be caused by the crowding of some seasons with tourists, for this reason. The thinking of this mechanism was to encourage tourists to spend their tourist time easily and at the lowest cost, and that adapting the contractual relationship between the owner of the tourist unit and the beneficiary is of great importance in determining the scope of rights and obligations of the contracting parties and determining the legal nature of the contract, regardless of the description or designation given by the contracting parties on the contract.

