Identity characteristics in Mesopotamian art: Assyrian art as a model.


  • Ruaa Nazim Hassan Bakhit, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada


Researcher, Mesopotamian, Assyrian civilization, Aesthetic and Semantic, illustrations, Prominent, Stereoscopic,


The researcher adopted the topic of her research, which was built from a basic problem centered on studying the characteristics of identity in Mesopotamian art, the Assyrian civilization as a model. This is given that identity is a concept that has its aesthetic and semantic dimensions that appear through the plastic construction of the artwork. It seeks to achieve communication and continuity and maintain its semantic character. The first chapter of the research included the objective of the study, which is to reveal the characteristics of identity in the Assyrian civilization. In what came the theoretical framework includes two sections. The first topic was concerned with the study of identity, conceptually, its principles, and its mechanisms. The second topic included the features of identity in the Assyrian civilization. At the conclusion of the theoretical framework, the results of the indicators were discussed. As for the third chapter, it included the research community, which amounted to 20 samples, by informing the researcher of many illustrations and related sources, such as books, magazines, and websites. The research sample was 20 works of art, which included the technique of sculpting in its two types, prominent and stereoscopic, and on the various stages of civilization in Mesopotamia. The researcher concluded by adopting the indicators of the theoretical framework as a tool in analyzing the research sample. As for the fourth chapter, it is devoted to reviewing the results, conclusions, recommendations and suggestions.

