The Law Enforcement in Illegal Activities of Karst Mining in Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta


  • Yeni Widowaty ,Triyono ,Aqil Teguh Fathani ,Eko Priyo Purnomo ,Lubna Salsabila ,Aulia Yunicha Harly


Environmental damage, Law enforcement, National Spatial Plans, Artificial Intelligence


This study aims to analyze how the law enforcement against illegal karst miners often results in environmental damage, the focus of this research is carried out in the Gunung Kidul area, Yogyakarta Province this is due to the high level of environmental damage, which is 922.27 hectares, caused by illegal karst miners. Law enforcement is an effort to enforce or function legal norms in a natural way to guide behavior in legal or traffic relations in public and state life. The research is socio-legal research, which combines normative and empirical research, and the types of data are primary data and secondary data. The research results are: First, the miners realize that the activities they are doing are illegal and can damage the environment. Second, the reason for illegal mining is due to the absence of employment opportunities, so that the community creates small groups to carry out illegal karst mining activities. Third, the security apparatus has taken several preventive and repressive measures. Preventive measures are taken by stipulating a National Spatial Plans that regulates limestone areas, a moratorium on limestone mining areas by the District Government, and stipulating Gunungsewu as a geo-park so that mining is prohibited. Repressively, several companies have had their business licenses revoked, but there is no legal action against those that carry out mining illegally and also those who mine privately. In the future, to determine the occurrence of environmental damage, it can be done with Artificial Intelligence.


