Management Of Education and Training for School Principals in Jakarta.


  • Agus Dudung ,Uswatun Hasanah ,Ajat Sudrajat ,Lisa Dwi Ningtyas ,Ahmad Rifqy Ash-Shiddiqy ,Vania Zulfa


Andragogy, education, principal competency, principal performance, management of education and training


The school principal plays an important role in school management. Therefore, the government made various strategic efforts through education and training for those prospective principals. The Principal Development and Empowerment Institution have been held a training program since 2010. In 2019, they collaborate with higher education institutions to organize training for principals in Jakarta and surrounding. Universitas Negeri Jakarta as the only education-based university in Jakarta was chosen as one of the organizers for this training. This study aims to find out, observe, and analyze the management of principal training to improve the competency of principals held by Universitas Negeri Jakarta. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive studies. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. The research subjects consisted of principals as training participants, training speakers, and training organizers. The results of the study are mention below: (1) 46 of 865 trainees graduated excellence (above 71) and 584 participants graduated with honors (above 86); (2) the average rating of the training speakers is 98.25 with the highest value on the indicator of material mastery, and; (3) the average rating of the training organizers is 91.45. The education and training for School Principals provided by Universitas Negeri Jakarta run smoothly and produce the expected competencies for school principals. This activity has a major impact on improving science, improving the quality of learning, and improving the performance of school principals.


