The Impact of Systematic Racism on Characters
African Americans, Detroit Riot, Postcolonialism, Mimicry, Hybridity, Music, Race, Systematic Racism, Dominique Morisseau. Detroit'67Abstract
For generations, African Americans have been ignored. Systematic Racism first appeared during the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, and it was refined in the 1980s. It is also referred to as institutional Racism. It is a term that refers to a type of Racism that is incorporated in the regulations of society. When it comes to issues like criminal justice, housing and health care, education and political representation, it emerges as discrimination in those areas (Harmon). The first part of this paper will recapture the historical event in 1967 in Detroit, with the impact of music on African Americans in general. The postcolonial approach illuminates a new way of interpreting and seeing the stereotypical pictures. The second part of the paper traces the origins and the emergence of racial terminology in an international context. It depicts the sequences of systematic Racism through the prism of postcolonial study. The paper discusses how the playwright relates racial classification through the characters with the ongoing Racism and stereotyping, which vividly reflects the system.