Examining Personnel and Budget Domains of Lay Private School-Based Management in the Republic of Cameroon.


  • Esen Sucuoğlu ,Roland Ndukong Tangiri Appalachian State University, USA


Republic of Cameroon's, SBM, Specified domains, Interviews serving, English subsystem, Centre region.


The Republic of Cameroon's government began issuing degrees and promulgating laws related to school-based management (SBM) in 1979. However, the lack of clearly specified domains, actors in each domain and descriptions of their roles has resulted in a crisis in the implementation of SBM. The aim of this study is to look at how SBM actors (school administrators, teachers and parents) participate in decisionmaking and SBM implementation in the two domains analysed in lay private secondary schools with English subsystems of education in the Republic of Cameroon. This analysis was carried out using a qualitative research approach, with interviews serving as data collection tools. The framework examines two areas: SBM actors' participation and SBM implementation in the two studied domains of personnel and budget. For this analysis, five lay private secondary schools with an English subsystem were chosen at random in the Republic of Cameroon's centre region. The findings revealed that SBM was applied in both domains.

