Personality Education Through Psychological Intervention: A Tea Cultural Therapy Program For Juvenile Delinquents.


  • In Sook Kim


Juvenile detention center, juvenile delinquent, personality education, psychological intervention, Tea cultural therapy


  • In recent Korean society, rapid social changes due to the informatization, the entering of the 4th industrial revolution, and the family dissolution following continuous increase in divorce rates as well as phycological anxiety following biological, social, cognitive changes make it difficult for adolescents to form self-identity stably, which is a task of adolescent. In this environment, juvenile delinquency is more severe than other age groups, and it is becoming a social problem. Therefore, personality education in juvenile detention centers that provides appropriate treatment and education to juvenile delinquents is very crucial, so that they can grow into sincere members of society after being released from juvenile detention centers. Personality education in juvenile detention center should be structured to go beyond traditional correctional personality education and induce changes in the personality and values of juvenile delinquents through humanities introspection and reflection. Tea culture therapy program with psychological intervention as a personality education program in the juvenile detention center applies a program that utilizes the tea culture that incorporates Korean traditional culture to the juvenile delinquents, so it can provide an opportunity to learn the essence of Korean culture. In addition, it will improve the self-esteem of juvenile delinquents and contribute to psychological stability through interaction with nature and experience activities. Since tea culture therapy itself provides relaxation through rest in stressful daily life, juvenile delinquents who are in a period of forming self-identity can get an opportunity for self-reflection to achieve true encounters with themselves in a calm and refined atmosphere. As a personality education program, tea culture therapy is a program suitable for psychological interventions for psychological treatment for juvenile delinquents. Furthermore, it will improve sensitivity training, empathy, self-esteem, and self-control by giving juvenile delinquents psychological stability and allowing to be well aware of their emotions, and to properly understand the emotions of themselves and others.

