Examining the Impact of Campus Climate on Student Engagement


  • Uswatun Hasanah ,Elmanora ,Sugeng Supriyanto ,Ibnu Salman ,Tri Wahyudi Ramdhan


Jakarta, Descriptive statistics, correlation tests, and simple linear regression tests


The purpose of this research is to look into the impact of the campus climate on student engagement. The participants in this study were 280 students from a university in Jakarta, Indonesia, who were chosen at random. The instrument and the Student involvement instrument are referred to as the campus climate instrument. Descriptive statistics, correlation tests, and simple linear regression tests are used to analyze research data. The findings revealed that the campus provided sufficient teacher assistance, institutional readiness, newcomer adjustments, and a sense of well-being for students. This positive school climate encourages students to be very involved on campus. Students have a good level of engagement with the university. The majority of kids already have high levels of valuing, sense of belonging, participation, cognitive, emotional, and behavioral engagement. The campus climate can be improved and enhanced to make it even better. Student engagement can be improved through improving the campus climate. Student participation is a key factor in determining academic accomplishment and success on campus.


