Food Processing Practice Management Model Based on Mobile Learning (Elena) For Pkk Ft Unnes Students.


  • Meddiati Fajri Putri ,Sugiyo ,Joko Sutarto ,I Made Sudana ,Masrukhi ,Trijoko Rahardjo


Practical Lecture Management, ELENA, Food Processing


  • The aim of this research is to analyze the management of food processing practice courses for PKK FT UNNES students. Develop a design model for mobile learning-based food processing practice management (ELENA) for PKK FT Unnes students. PKK FT Unnes. This research using descriptive quantitative. The research method used was the data analysis used by using a percentage descriptive statistical approach. This approach is used to describe the extent to which the ELENA guidebook can be understood and followed by the working steps procedures in practical food processing courses for students of the PKK FT Unnes Department. This research will produce a management model for ELENA-based food processing practice courses in the form of manuals and teaching materials for practical food processing lectures for students majoring in PKK FT Unnes.

