Level of Reflectıon of Skılls and Values In the Scope of Questions and Activities To 5th Grade Social Studies Textbook Effective Citizenship Learning Area


  • Seyit Taşer, Ahmet Ulusoy


Social Studies, Textbook, Learning Area, Active Citizenship


Even though teaching materials have diversified and changed their qualities since the past, the textbooks included in these materials have maintained their constant importance. Textbooks were sometimes made up of clay tablets in the Mesopotamian civilization, papyrus in Ancient Egypt, and parchment in the Kingdom of Pergamon. Textbooks, which have gained their current form over time, are still the most crucial element of education and training. In this respect, many issues such as the content, physical structure and quality of textbooks have been discussed since the past. Because the textbooks aim to impress the students with their physical structure, visual features, the information they contain, the teaching methods and techniques they follow. At the same time, textbooks are an important means of transferring the principles determined in the curriculum to the educational environments. In this respect, textbooks ensure that the curriculum is transferred to the student in a certain plan and order. Social studies textbooks are also prepared based on the Social Studies Course Curriculum. The Social Studies Curriculum was last re-prepared in 2018. In the program based on the understanding of constructivism, the student is not in a passive position that receives the information ready but has a position that reaches the information through his own activities and can use the information in problem solving. In this respect, basic skills are included in the curriculum. In addition, the aim of raising an effective citizen who is aware of the rights and responsibilities of the social studies course, who is sensitive to his environment, has brought values to the fore. The level of reflection of these skills and values in the textbooks is a critical issue. In our study, the reflection level of the basic skills and values in the Social Studies Curriculum to the fifth-grade social studies textbook effective citizenship learning area has been tried to be examined.

 The study is in the tradition of qualitative research and was conducted according to a case study design. The data of the research were obtained by document (document) analysis, and descriptive analysis and content analysis methods were used in the analyzes. At the end of the study, it was determined that the field of effective citizenship learning was weak in including high-level skills, while values were clustered on the axis of solidarity, sensitivity, benevolence, responsibility, equality, freedom, independence, and patriotism.

