A To What Extend Does a Christian Husband have The Right to have Several Wives: An in Depth background Analytical and Critical Research in Egyptian law


  • El Hakam El Khon, Mahmoud Abd


Egypt, legal rules and principles, Christian husband


Due to Certain historical circumstances of Egypt the legal rules and principles relevant to the Personal Statute have been diverse due to the diversity of religions on its territory. The legislator considered the law of the nationality of foreigners as the law of Personal Statue for them. As for Egyptians the law that governs their Personal Status is the law of their religion. It is established that a Muslim husband, and not a Christian husband, has the right to have several wives. Thus a question was raised as to whether an Egyptian Christian husband may also have the same right where the terms and conditions of Personal Status of his religion do not apply, in which case it would be the principles of Islamic Sharia Law would be applicable. The stand of the jurists, in this respect, is divided into two approaches. The first is that the Christian husband has the right to have several wives. The second is that a Christian Husband may not have several wives. We presented both points of view and concluded that the second opinion is the preponderant one.


