Instructional Design as a Method of Disaster Management in the Era of SDGs


  • Daisuke Yamashita, Mohammad Ali


Global climate changes, Information Technology and Media, e-learning


Following the ongoing global climate changes, more and more disasters are attacking around the world. Recently, in the Japanese government report issued in 2017, the country's Cabinet Office claimed that they should utilize instructional design as a new method of disaster specialist training. It is a unique decision because the instructional design was originally developed in the field of Psychology, Information Technology, and Media Studies, and not often implemented in the field of disaster management. This paper aims to illustrate the contents of this new method explained in the report, and examine the effectiveness of the method on the Japan-bound Indonesian nurses in the SDGs era. This is baseline research for seeking the best practice of disaster training for the nurses from Indonesia. The qualitative contents analysis was employed to illustrate the government report, and examine what is applicable for the nonJapanese medical professionals. In detail, this paper analyzed how the ADDIE model from the instructional design has been applied in the process of disaster training development. Findings in this study have revealed that the instructional design was partly applicable for the nurses. Particularly, the implication of elearning should be limited only for the following up sessions after the main training courses. However, the expected outcomes.


