Da'wah BIL Hal Infrastructure: An Introduction


  • Azizul Azra Bin Abdul Razak ,Mohd Hisyam Bin Abdul Rahim


Religious preachers and da'wah infrastructure, Malaysian context,


Religious preachers and da'wah infrastructure are two elements which have a clear relationship as the preachers have to mobilise the community towards development via the infrastructure and facilities provided. However, in the Malaysian context, the understanding about da'wah infrastructure, especially regarding da'wah bil hal seems to be lacking. As such, this study aimed to focus on da'wah bil hal and to gather and analyse the existing research on da'wah infrastructure. Library research by applying the data and content analysis method was utilized to fulfill the research objectives. The findings uncovered a few important aspects to be focused on in order to understand the da'wah bil hal infrastructure from the aspects of ethics, requirements and resources. The study implications provided clear understanding about da'wah bil hal infrastructure which should be further developed to become the best alternative in the current da'wah context.


